For promoting contact and communication with students, better serving our students, the 2015-2016 academic year spring semester Dean reception day will be held in the near future. Welcome everyone to participate in.
1. 接待安排如有变动,以临时通知为准。
Any change on the reception day will be subject to specific notice.
2. 为保证接待效果、避免因同时来访造成等候,来访者请提前3天到留学生事务办公室(博留公寓2号楼131)预约。
In order to be efficient and avoid waiting, please make an appointment 3 days in advance at the international student affairs office (Room131, Dorm building No.2).
3. 预约时请填写《bet伟德官方网站院长接待日预约登记表》,以便统筹安排。
Please fill in the “Reservation Form of Dean Reception Day ” when making the appointment.