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2019-12-17  点击:[]


No drinking or disturbing. Don’t gather a crowd in a bar.
Carry passport with you when you go out.
Please extend your visa or residence permit before it expires.
Look after your personal belongings wherever you go.
Pay attention to fire prevention and anti-theft, and make sure cut off the power, shut the windows and lock the door when you leave your room.
If you live off campus, remember to be careful with the natural gas burners in your apartment.
Illegal drugs like marijuana or heroine are strictly forbidden.
Take good care of belongings and ensure personal safety when you are traveling. Place great emphasis on the hotel's fire escape schematic, fire exits and so on.
If you receive a message saying you have won a prize, do not respond to it. Don’t be tempted by the offer.
Obey the traffic rules when traveling and crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis. Do not buy, ride, or take unlicensed motorcycles.
Students who stay in dormitories are supposed to obey the accommodation regulations. Electrical appliances and fire are prohibited.
In case of robbery, violence, theft, electronic fraud and other events, please call the police: 110. Fire Police: 119.
Please call 120 when you encounter  incidents or accident injuries.
During the holiday, if you have to consult, please contact your advisor.
博士生辅导员办公电话: 0411-84770162;邮箱:fuchongbin@

上一条:伟德国际官网登录入口“中国与独联体研究”、“白俄罗斯研究” 研讨会会议通知 下一条:郝海赴乌克兰、捷克、波兰出国访问总结




