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关于“第三只眼看中国”国际短视频大赛活动通知 Notice about International Short Video Competition of “My China Story”

2021-05-17  点击:[]


The international short video competition of "My China Story" is now collecting various languages and various types short videos with Chinese themes for foreign friends. It aims to show the unique perspective of foreign friends in China, record the wonderful journey of foreign friends in China, gather Chinese stories scattered around the world, and enhance mutual communication between China and the world. The specific information of the activity is as follows:

活动名称/Name of the event


International Short-video Competition of “My China Story”

举办单位 /Organizers



合作及支持单位:北京师范大学、五洲传播中心、纪录中国理事会、北京市归国华侨联合会、北京博声国际文化交流有限公司、国家地理National Geographic、新浪微博、西瓜视频、抖音、今日头条、哔哩哔哩、德国华人华侨联合会、新西兰Prime Media传媒集团、美联社、德新社、印尼安塔拉通讯社、非洲通讯社、澳大利亚联合新闻社等。

The event is organized by China International Publishing Group and People’s Government of Zhong Shan City. The event is cooperated and supported by Beijing Normal University, National Geographic, Sina Weibo, Tik Tok, Bilbili etc.

视频征集主题/the theme of short video content

1. 发生在世界各地的,与中国有关的故事/Stories happened around the world related to China


No matter which country or city you are in, you can pick up the camera (mobile phone), take photos of the Chinatown, Chinese flavor, Chinese people, Chinese Affairs, Chinese architecture and Chinese enterprises around you, and tell stories about China where you are. What you are interested in is what we want to see.

2. 发生在中国各地的,与外籍人士有关的故事/Stories happened in China related to foreigners


Pick up the camera (mobile phone), focus on the foreigners in China, talk about their unique experience, take photos of the places they love to go, the things they are doing (want to do), the people and things around them, and so on. Through their experiences and stories in China, they convey vivid details of their foreign exchanges


3. 你眼中所见的中国城市与乡村/Your views of Chinese cities and villages


Every city and village has its own unique historical heritage and beautiful scenery, as well as its unique customs and people's stories. we look forward to you and the foreigners walking in big cities and small towns in China to record these daily and vivid stories together.

4. 品尝、制作、推荐中国美食的故事/Your stories with Chinese food


There are genres of Chinese cuisine, and there are many kinds of cooking skills, with fans all over China and all over the world. Foreigners eating Chinese food, learning to cook Chinese food, Chinese food in large and small overseas cities... are all food stories we are looking for. Record them,and participate in the activity!

参赛范围/Who can participate


Groups or individuals around the world are welcome to participate, and participants should meet with one of the following requirements:

1. 有外籍人士出镜讲述,或故事中人物为外籍人士。

With foreigner telling the story in the video, or the story is related to foreigners.

2. 由中外团队共同策划、拍摄并完成制作,外籍人士在其中担任导演、策划、摄像、制作等职务。

If the video is made by a group, there should be foreigners conducting work such as directing, planning, camera shooting, producing etc.

3. 故事发生在海外,内容与中国、中外交流相关。

If the story is happened outside China, it should be related to China or communication between China and other countries.

赛程安排/Schedule of the event


Before May 31h, applicants submit videos or video making plans to SIE.


June, SIE evaluate all application materials and recommend outstanding works to participate in competition of national level.


July-August, national level evaluation of all works


September 1st, publicizing national competition result


September 8th - 10th, National Competition Award Ceremony

奖项设置/Prize of the event


SIE will recommend outstanding works to participate in national level competition, and the awards include:


There will be five 1st prizes (8000 RMB awards), ten 2nd prizes (5000 RMB awards) and fifteen 3rd prizes (3000 RMB awards).


There will be other prizes such as Best Host, Best Story, Best Camera Shooting, Best International Communication, Best Internet Communication etc. with 4000 RMB for each award.

1个评委会大奖,奖金2万元人民币/1 Grand Jury Prize with 20000 RMB award.

50个优秀作品奖,颁发获奖证书/50 Outstanding Works Prize with certificates issued.

10个组委会大奖/10 Grand Award of the Organizing Committee

10个优秀组织奖/10 Outstanding Organization Award


Winners and teams (1-2 people) will also have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the annual award ceremony series of activities (award ceremony evening, annual exchange and sharing meeting and theme sharing, domestic and foreign media interviews, excellent works at home and abroad, exhibitions, etc.), awards The works were invited to publish Chinese and English books of the same name in the competition.

作品要求/Requirement of the video

1. 作品形态不限。主播综艺、人物访谈、脱口秀、短纪录片、Vlog均可,专业摄制或手机拍摄均可。时长10分钟以内。

There is no limitation of type of the video, and it can be a show, interview, talk show, short documentary, Vlog etc. The video can be taken by professional cameras or cellphone. The duration of the video should be below 10 minutes.

2. 作品语种不限。中、英文之外的非通用语种作品,需添加中文/英文配音或字幕,以方便顺利参加评审。

There is no limitation of the language. If languages other than Chinese and English are used, please add voice or subtitle in Chinese or English to facilitate evaluation.

3. 作品以真实生活为创作素材,积极传播正能量,不得涉及色情、暴力与种族歧视等内容,不得植入广告。

The video should be about real stories and transferring positive energy. Content related to eroticism, violence or racial discrimination are not allowed and advertisements are not allowed.

4. 作品分辨率为1280*720或以上,接受MPGMPEGAVIMOVWMVMP4等格式文件。

The image resolution of the video should be above 1280*720, and format can be MPGMPEGAVIMOVWMVMP4 etc.

报名方式/Submission method



Send the entries as an attachment to the mailbox: dszy_dut@163.com

Please indicate the name of the "My China Story" Contribution + participant name (passport name) + nationality+student ID. Please include a brief introduction to the content of the work in the content of the


School of International Education,

 Dalian University of Technology

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