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DUT 2015 International New Year's Eve

December 29, 2014  Click:[]

DUT 2015 International New Year's Eve was held on December 19, 2015. Vice-president of DUT, Professor Guiling Ning and other heads and guests attended the event. International students showed their talents on the stage, presenting a grand performance to audience from all over the world.

After a hot dance by girls from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries, eight MCs from China, Japan, US, Britain, Azerbaijan hosted the opening. Next, Professor Ning presented an award for 2014 DUT International Student of Talent to nine international students, all of whom had made their contribution to various campus activities.

All were brought to a rich Christmas atmosphere by the song of Jingle Bells performed by an international band-- the Lazy Dreamers. Following up were dances Sound of Tango,  Noname, bu sa ba by students from Russia, Mongolia and Thailand. 

    Performances in Chinese also attracted much applause that evening. Poland student Kang Mingkai gave us an amazing red-song; ZhongGuoHua by students from University of Edinburgh, FengChuiMaiLang by Pakistan star student Bilal also bought us great joy and fun. Graduate School of DUT offered all a Fluorescence dance and a Fan dance, highlighting traditional Chinese folk art.

Finally, the New Year’s Eve came to a successful end. Wish all students great progress and more achievements in the coming 2015. Hope that DUT and SIE can be built into a better home for students from all over the world.


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