Zhuo, from Costa Rica, is an enthusiastic girl with a “green” heart. After she came to China, She wanted to help to improve the environment of the Dalian University of Technology, where She study. After weeks of work, The first conference finally came.
It was in a small class where thirteen Chinese students came to join the activity. They collected an amount of material for recycling. Zhuo explained everything she prepared, everyone is interested in it. Sean, from the United States of America, told the audience how the USA recycle. The second speaker, Miguel from Panama explained the recycling system of Germany. The final speaker, Igor Stankovic from Serbia, explained proudly how the waste is recycled in his country.
After the speaker’s talks, Zhuo showed an innovative way of recycling in China and what they as students can do to protect the environment. At the end, everyone wrote what they felt about the first activity and their suggestions. Finally, all of the organizers and the attendance took a group picture to remember how they, being part of the problem, became a part of the solution.
Their achievements:1. 21 books. (10kg); 2. 27 magazines. (5kg);3. 60 plastic bottles (2kg);4. 1 big box filled up with used paper.(15kg);5. 1 big bag filled up with flatted boxes. (5kg)
The amount of recycled materials they collected (with just 13 people) is enough to save one medium tree, to prevent use 108 pounds of sulfur, 85 pounds of limestone, 270 pounds of steam and 1800 gallons of water.