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Orientation Day for New Student of Class 2023 in Major of International Chinese Education

September 5, 2023  Click:[]

On August 31, Beishan District A Square in Dalian University of Technology was crowded with new graduate students. Before that, teacher Tian, the counselor of the major “International Chinese education”, started the all-sided preparation for the fall semester orientation of class 2023, together with eight senior students who are the volunteers. During the preparation, greeting board in 32 languages are made for fresh students. They also give the careful check for the welcome materials and student cards in case that the error may happen within the orientation period.

On the orientation day, three groups of volunteer teams came to work for giving the warm welcome and help to every new member. At 6:50 in the morning, first new student arrived at our orientation square and finish her registration with success under the guidance of counselor and volunteers. After that, following fresh student gradually reached the orientation point while finishing their registration, actively integrating into the active atmosphere. Each student selected their favorite hand-held cards and recorded the first photo with our campus. With the arrival of the last fresh student, our orientation brought to a successful close at around 18:00.

The future has come and a new journey has begun. We wish our fresh students of 2023 to forge ahead with pursuing their dreams in the new campus life!

Linggong Road No.2, Ganjingzi District Dalian, 116024,P.R.China
Admission counseling:(86)-411-84706048/84779078 Email:dutsice@dlut.edu.cn